Belmont Porchfest 2024: Technical Details

Belmont Porchfest 2024 was the longest Wizard Peter show to date. The length and musical ambition drove a careful technical design that I explain in this post. You can view show photos here.

Belmont Porchfest equipment setup

Here’s a video of two of the songs:

The set list was partially determined by requests from VIP audience members. Many of the requests were for cover songs, so the show focused on singing, in addition to the usual blend of live electronics.

Here’s the set list, divided in two parts and with an intermission between:

Part 1

  • Spidey and His Amazing Friends theme, by Patrick Stump

  • Dancing Queen, by ABBA

  • Inevitable, by Anberlin

  • Happy, an original

  • Work this Body, by Walk the Moon

Part 2

  • Angel Fish, by Anne Crosby Gaudet

  • Walk in the Park (modified), by Titus Raffensperger & John Raffensperger

  • Bluey theme, by Jonathan Bush

  • Techno song, an original

The first part was sung, accompanied by studio-prepared backing tracks running in an Ableton Live set on a laptop, controlled by Push 3. The second part was the business of live electronics aka “knob twiddling”, combining backing tracks with live modular synthesizer performance.

This extensive show was developed over months of planning, backing track recording, pre-production, practice and careful assembly of the live electronics rig.

The live rig, in the rehearsal studio

The center of the action is Ableton Live running on a laptop, controlled by Push 3. I developed each song in its own project and then I mixed to stems and collected all the projects into one, with a single unified timeline. The Push 3 drives two modular voices via MIDI.

Some Wizard Peter shows have extensive visuals, but this show was limited to static posters, an two live objets d'art: a Monome Norns + 256 Grid running the “plasma” generative art script and DIY Raspberry Pi-based audio-reactive LED matrix.

The two MIDI-sequenced modular voices reside in the 7U Intellijel case. One is based on the Mutable Instruments Plaits oscillator running into Whimsical Raps Three Sisters filter, while the other is the Whimsical Raps Mangrove oscillator feeding the Intellijel Polaris filter.

The 4U Intellijel case has a third voice, which is the combination of Mutable Instruments Tides, Befaco Even VCO and My First Modular filter and is sequenced by the Monome Ansible, controlled by the Monome One 128-key grid controller. This third voice is used only in the last song, and it’s designed for improvisational sequencing.

Full patch notes are below.

Live setup detail

The PA system comprises of two large and heavy Yamaha passive speakers, driven by a QSC amplifier. The amplifier had a broken transistor in one of the channels, which I replaced — an electronics technical job as a gonzo show preparation requirement.

The amplifier is fed by a trusty Mackie 802VLZ which serves to combine audio from the Push 3, the modular and two microphones. The first microphone is the hi-fi Earthworks SR117 and it gets the Universal Audio MAX compressor pedal in the mixer channel insert. I used this microphone for singing. The second microphone is a converted telephone, gritty and lo-fi, as a special effect for certain announcements / spoken word elements.

Live setup side view

The other key part of the show’s setup was the dual button controller, which is a large, industrial button assembly with a big red button and a big green button. This was positioned on the table facing the audience, so that people could come up and press the buttons during the last song. The button presses were routed through the modular and converted to MIDI signals to trigger a variety of comedic samples in Ableton Live. Children and adults in the audience could have the satisfaction of causing fart sounds, cat meows and other, more musical sounds.

Patch notes

Modular Grid  plan for 4U case -- the gap is filled with the "My First Modular" Filter and LFO modules

Modular 4U patch

  • Crow on 4U programmed as a random voltage generator with crow out 2 = 5v - crow out 1 for crossfader control in tandem with 1U VCA

  • Ansible Kria gate -> Maths 1 -> 1U LPG CV

  • Ansible Kria v/8 -> buffered mult -> Befaco Even VCO v/8 & My First Modular Filter CV 1 & Tides v/8

  • Crow 1 -> 1U VCA CV A

  • Crow 2 -> 1U VCA CV B

  • Crow 3 -> Maths 3 -> Even VCO PWM

  • My First Modular LFO triangle out -> Tides shape

  • Even VCO Triangle -> Tides Trig

  • Tides Bi -> Mix 1

  • Even VCO Square -> 1U VCA In A

  • Even VCO Even -> 1U VCA In B

  • 1U VCA B (sums output A) -> Mix 2

  • Mix out -> My First Modular Filter input

  • 1U noise tools slewed random CV -> My First Modular Filter CV 2

  • My First Modular Filter output -> 1U LPG in

Cross connections to 7U

  • 7U case 1U MIDI Run -> 4U case Ansible in 2

  • 4U case 1U LPG out -> 7U Case QSC ch 1 left

  • 7U case 1U MIDI clock -> 4U case active mult -> Ansible in 1

Modular Grid  plan for 7U case -- the gaps are filled with DIY external switch input (upper) and manual switch modules (lower) 

Modular 7U patch

  • Crow on 7U programmed as a random voltage generator

  • Voice 1, Plaits & Three Sisters

    • Plaits in Asymmetric Triangle mode (2nd green mode from the top)

    • MIDI 1U ch1 v/8 -> Plaits v/8

    • MIDI 1U ch1 Gate -> DIY LPG 1 CV

    • MIDI 1U ch1 Vel -> Plaits timbre CV

    • Plaits Aux -> Zeroscope Tuner ch 1

    • Plaits Out -> Three Sisters All in

    • Three Sisters Low out -> DIY LPG 1 in

    • DIY LPG 1 out -> QSM ch 4 left

    • Stages 2 LFO -> Shades 3

    • Shades 3 -> Plaits Harmo CV

    • Stages 3 LFO -> Plaits Morph CV

    • MIDI 1U ch1 Gate -> Stages 6 gate

    • Stages 6 decay env -> Three Sister FM

    • Stages 1 LFO -> Three Sister Span (effectively as a 2nd source of FM)

  • Voice 2, Mangrove & Polaris

    • MIDI 1U ch2 v/8 -> Mangrove v/8

    • MIDI 1U ch2 Gate -> DIY LPG 2 CV

    • MIDI 1U ch2 Vel -> Mangrove Air CV

    • Mangrove Square -> Zeroscope Tuner ch 2

    • Mangrove Formant -> Polaris in

    • Mangrove PPM Hollow -> Polaris FM1

    • Crow 2 -> Polaris FM 2

  • Modular send bus processing

    • 1U Audio IO in L&R -> DXG 1 L&R

    • DXG out L&R -> Beads in L&R

    • Beads out L&R -> QSM ch 3 L&R

    • DXG out L&R -> Warps in L&R (Warps set to be a delay effect)

    • Warps out L&R -> QSM ch 2 L&R

    • 1U Audio IO in L -> W/ in

    • W/ out -> DXG 2 L

    • QSM yellow send -> DXG aux in L (to send modular voices to Beads & Warps)

    • QSM green send -> DIY transformer module -> Push 3 input 2

  • Just Friends + Frames was also configured as a crazy noise generator, but I didn’t end up using this during the show

  • MIDI Control routing

    • Befaco VCMC -> Push MIDI DIN input

    • Push USB MIDI -> Intellijel MIDI 1U

    • Quadratt A & B -> VCMV Aux A & B

    • DIY external red & green button box -> DIY pedal input module

    • DIY pedal input module -> DIY switch bank -> VCMC gate inputs

    • The VCMC gates send notes to the Ableton Live SFX drum rack with round robin sample selections

    • The sample banks included fart noises, cat meows, different text-to-speech voices saying “Wizard Peter” and other samples

Audio routing

  • Vocals -> Earthworks SR117 mic -> mixer channel 1, with Universal Audio MAX compressor pedal in the insert

  • Telephone mic -> mixer channel 2

  • Push 3 main outputs -> mixer channels 7 & 8

  • Modular 7U line outputs -> mixer channels 5 & 6

  • Push 3 headphone outputs -> modular 7U line inputs

  • Mixer send -> Push 3 input 1 -> reverb send (Valhalla DSP VintageVerb)

  • Modular 7U DIY transformer IO -> Push 3 input 2 -> digital delay with bit crush effect

Ableton project

  • Main audio tracks

    • 1 Voice guide

    • 2 Bass

    • 3 Drums

    • 4 Perc

    • 5 Keys

    • 6 Guitar

    • 7 Bells

  • MIDI, live inputs and misc

    • 8 MIDI 1

    • 9 MIDI 2

    • 10 Reverb in

    • 11 Sampled Piano audio track

    • 12 MIDI piano 1

    • 13 MIDI piano 2

    • 14 SFX

    • 15 Modular in

Setup checklist

  • connect mini case

    • Ansible 2 to MIDI run (blue stackcable on QSC)

    • LPG out to QSC Ch 1 left

    • Active mult to midi clock (green + blue stackcable on crow)

  • Check Ableton live output device

  • Check sound playback

  • Check oscillator tuning

  • Check MIDI to 1U

  • Check MIDI from VCMV is received

    • Notes

    • CC

  • Set loop to “yes”

  • Set all VCMV sliders to lowest position

  • Level check

  • Voice balance level check as

  • Check modular to Ableton send

  • Check mixer to Ableton send

  • Live patch big button trigger destinations

  • Record video


Petrus Magus Contra Universum